Check Defense learning solutions enable any organization to support the knowledge and skill acquisition needs of their employees with a cost savvy, meaningful learning experience. Our comprehensive learning services utilize industry best practices deeply rooted in the ADDIE process: analysis, design, development, implementation, and program evaluation. Our blended learning solutions are based in sound Instructional Systems Design (ISD) theory. We identify key components that support each phase of development and the core products required to develop live, virtual, and constructive learning environments.
Our talented staff of multimedia designers and curriculum developers leverages leading edge technologies to create interactive eLearning courseware incorporating virtual worlds and multimedia all the while adhering to industry standards such as Section 508 compliance and SCORM conformance.
An agile approach to analyzing needs and requirements, determining objectives, and developing educational products tailored to meet your unique requirements allow us to foster a collaborative environment where the best ideas emerge. Our services include:
Needs and Audience Analysis
Curriculum Design and Assessment Development
Multimedia and Application Development
Serious Games and Simulations
We deliver accurate, relevant, and motivational products to further your organization’s mission.